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Meet Gina Callan
Hi there! I'm Gina Callan, the founder of Ambit Coaching, a Canberra-based transformational life-coaching, NLP, TimelineTM & hypnotherapy business that supports clients wanting to reset their thinking, reinvigorate their core being & reconnect with those around them.
Congratulations on your decision to invest in YOU by examining your thinking style to improve your relationships within your family, team, business or community group. Any personal learning & growth you experience will benefits others in your personal & professional ambit (or scope of influence), & you might just inspire others to achieve their goals & dreams too.
As a kid from the country I never imagined I'd one day have the skills & knowledge to guide & help others to change their lives in even tiny ways, but here I am, living the dream &, thanks to technology, working with people anywhere & everywhere. What a privilege it is to give just a little back to my community in this way, & especially given the privileged lifestyle afforded to us in Australia.